Electrochemistry Redox Reactions
Electrochemistry redox reaction and the related topics are dealt with in this topic. The topics in detail are listed below how ever you will find the following subject areas in electrochemistry redox reactions, oxidation numbers, balancing, corrosion, prevention, cells, electrochemical and electrolytic cells and batteries.
Links to Video Pages
- Rules for assigning oxidation numbers
- Balancing Equations – Oxidation number method
- Balancing Equations – Half reaction or Ion electron method
- Nernst Equation – Electrochemical Cells – Determining Cell potential
- Electrolytic Cells – Faraday’s Laws – Problems
- Videos playlist on electrochemistry
Assignment for students going on Montreal/Quebec trip
Topics for Test
- Electrochemistry redox reactions
- Oxidation
- Reduction
- How to identify oxidation and reduction
- Oxidizing agents and Reducing agents
- Determination of oxidation number and their rules
- Balancing of equations using oxidation number and half reaction method.
- Standard reduction potentials
- Standard hydrogen electrode
- Galvanic Cell
- Oxidation half reaction – Anode
- Reduction half reaction – Cathode
- Net cell reaction
- Determination of number of electrons transferred when the equation is balanced
- Calculation of standard cell potential Ecathode – EAnode
- Calculation of cell potential when the concentration varies.
- Nernst equation and calculation of cell potential
- Electrolytic cell
- Predicting products at the anode and cathode during electrolysis of
- Aqueous ionic solutions
- Molten ionic solutions
- Aqueous solutions when water undergoes oxidation and reduction
- Industrial application of electrolysis
- Electrolytic refining of copper
- Manufacture of highly reactive metals etc.
- Corrosion
- Prevention of corrosion
- Barrier protection
- Electro-chemical protection
- Batteries
- Primary cells
- Secondary cells
- Fuel cells
- Ni-Cad, LiMH, Leclanche, Lead acid accumulator, Silver oxide etc.