
Chapter 6 Grade 9 Academic Science

Modified True/False True = A and False = B
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.


An element cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances by any physical or chemical means.



Metals generally have a shiny lustre.



If an element is a gas at room temperature, it is likely to be a metal.



On the Periodic Table, the number of metallic elements is about the same as the number of non-metallic elements.



Elements in a column of the Periodic Table have similar properties.



Alkaline earth metals burn with bright, colourful flames.



The diagram reflects what Democritus believed about the composition of matter.



The ideas of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle about the structure of matter were accepted for nearly 2000 years after his death.



Experiments by J.J. Thomson showed that atoms contain electrons.



If a negatively charged particle is attracted to a second particle, the second particle must have a negative charge.



Of protons, neutrons, and electrons, the least massive particle is the electron.



According to Bohr’s theory, the maximum number of electrons in each of the first three orbits in atoms are respectively two, eight, and ten.



The Bohr-Rutherford model of the atom is useful for explaining the properties of all of the elements on the Periodic Table.



An atom with 16 protons, 16 electrons and 18 neutrons has a mass number of 34.



An aluminum atom with a mass number of 27 must contain 14 neutrons.



Historians believe that many wealthy people in ancient Rome suffered from copper poisoning.



Iodine is an example of a halogen.



Strontium is an example of an alkali metal.



Xenon is an example of a noble gas.



John Dalton was the first to propose the idea of indivisible atoms.



Diamond is the hardest form in which carbon occurs.


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